

Sweet, demure and innocent! It’s hard to believe that as a tiny adorable baby lamb, Aura could have found herself in the holding pen of a slaughterhouse awaiting the same horrible end her mother and Flock mates endured, but that’s exactly what happened. Thankfully on this occasion a worker made the choice to take her home, saving her life.

She was fed milk for a short number of weeks and then was left to fend for herself in a backyard. Her situation escalated as she was advertised on Gumtree for as unwanted and for ‘Free’, an unfortunate situation for any Animal to find themselves. Thankfully her plight was spotted and the mission to bring her into Sanctuary began.

Aura arrived frightened, emaciated and carrying a heavy worm burden. She received all the treatments required to set her on the road to recovery along with having her sore foot tended to. Upon arrival to the Sanctuary, Aura took an instant shine to Elka the Sheep and they still remain the dearest of friends. For this reason Aura also resides in the special needs paddock with the more sensitive residents, along with those living with disability.

We are forever grateful that this one time, kindness shone through in that dark place, that someone felt compassion, and mercy was bestowed upon Aura. In a rare twist of fate, her worst day became her salvation and she is now loved, respected and cherished, and will be for all her days








Shy and introverted but loves a cheek scratch

Rescue Date


Meet Our Other Residents

Salazar, Regulus, Fenrir & Grindelwald
Bam Bam
Church, Loki, Modigliana and Cubby