Burt,Flopsy and Mopsy

Burt, Flopsy and Mopsy’s rescue stories began whilst still utero. Their mothers Dolly and Polly were taken in by one of our family members in 2018 as pregnant senior Ewes who should have been well past their days of giving birth. Mother and daughter themselves, Dolly and Polly spent their days post rescue lovingly doted on and receiving nutritious food as everyone awaited the arrival of their precious babies.
After several weeks, Dolly, the older of the two ladies gave birth to twins including the very handsome Burt, unfortunately his twin sister did not make it through the high risk labour. Polly herself gave birth to Triplets adorably named Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton. This entire little family has always been very close knit, never straying far from each other. Sadly, Cotton lost her life to a suspected snake bite and Polly and Dolly are also no longer with us, finally succumbing to old age after several years living a stress free and wonderful life. Burt, Flopsy and Mopsy retain their incredibly close bond.
At the end of 2022 they joined the main Sheep flock here at the Sanctuary. After several weeks of feeling inconvenienced by all the new faces they were confronted with, they slowly started to integrate. These days even though they are still the 3 amigos, they have many other friends and will remain loved members of the Shear Existence family always.