

Beautiful Beverly arrived into care after being stuck down in the paddock for over a week with pregnancy toxaemia. Bev’s body was giving everything so her baby could grow strong and summoned all the strength she could to birth her daughter, but sadly she had nothing left for herself. It’s Alarming to think that the standard practice on this, and many farms is to shoot Ewes with this mostly treatable condition, Bev’s only lifeline was that the chap who usually takes on the role of executioner was away.

On arrival Beverly was weak and lacked an appetite. She was set up in a comfy shelter and every day was lifted into her sling to take the pressure off her legs and allow the damaged nerves to heal. She received massage, physio, medications and vitamins all while we would push grass and nutritious hay as far back in her mouth as possible, forcing her to chew and ingest the much needed nourishment despite her absent appetite. After a few days, Bev started to eat by herself, after a week she could stand up for short moments with the support of her sling, after 2 weeks she threw her sling to the wind and was able to get up and hobble around her pen unaided. After a month she was well enough to join the main sheep flock, and after a rocky introduction, she is the bravest member of the crew.

We also note that Beverly has experienced the horrible industry practice of muelsing. Bev was extremely fearful of humans and rightfully so, her experiences have been horrific. Since her rescue she has learned that her new humans have something to offer and will now bravely approach us and eat a treat from our hand. Our only regret is that we weren’t able to secure the release of Beverly’s daughter. Beverly is a big personality and we are so grateful she is apart of our family








Brave and Beautiful

Rescue Date


Meet Our Other Residents
